Your giving community is a branded group of loyal supporters who embrace your cause along with other like-minded donors. It’s about much more than donations made 12 times per year. Instead, think of it as a communications initiative that regularly features stories of impact along with compelling photos and videos.
Awesome Social Impact Conferences in 2020
As we plan for 2020 we have curated a list of several awesome conferences (some of which we will be speaking at!) where you will learn, grow, and hopefully come away with resources that can expand your social impact in the world this year. Check out our list below and let me know if you have any you would add in the comments!
Cause Partnerships 101: Building the Foundation of Your Cause Partner Program
A successful partnership is mutually beneficial. Companies are looking for employee engagement opportunities. They also want to showcase their community support and to reach specific business goals. Nonprofits are looking for additional revenue. More volunteers and new ways to amplify their message are always on the wish lists of nonprofits. For a partnership to be sustainable and grow, both sides must receive value.
2019 Social Impact Rewind: Insights & Trends
As the year draws to a close, here are seven Social Impact trends in CSR that defined 2019 and what’s driving them.
Move the Fundraising Needle with a Cause-Related Experience
One of the best ways to build a deep and lasting connection with donors is by creating cause-related experiences. These events bring the cause to life through storytelling and hands-on experiences which allow participants to feel the personal impact of a donation.
Creativity Can Make Or Break Your Cause Campaign
Your cause marketing strategy should include a visual identity that breaks through the clutter. The most memorable cause partnerships have a unique look that sets them apart and forges an emotional connection.
Capturing B2B Dollars to Extend Your Cause Campaign Reach
Incorporating supplier activations into cause promotions creates a multiplier effect that can significantly boost fundraising. This can be done via corporate partner’s vendors and or/business partners.
On United Nations Day, First-Ever CAF America Report Shows Philanthropy’s Role toward Achieving Sustainable Development Goals
A new report recently released by Charities Aid Foundation of America (CAF America), a leader in international grantmaking, finds quality education as the leading issue mobilizing the largest amount of charitable funding toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), and the only issue among the top five most supported SDGs in all nine global regions. The SDG Giving Landscape: An insight into philanthropic giving to the SDGs looks at giving toward the 17 universal goals and targets adopted in unanimity by all United Nations Member States in 2015. Corresponding with the upward trend in overall giving through CAF America (up 200% in 2019 from 2016), the report found giving impacted all 17 SDGs, indicating an overall commitment across individuals, corporations and foundations toward solving world issues.
Creating a Social Impact Strategy
Successful social impact strategies go beyond awareness and are designed to boost an organization’s overall mission – not just its brand identity. They serve as a solid framework and include clear business objectives and measurable outcomes. These strategies should be woven into the very fabric of a company and engage all stakeholders – top executives, employees, customers and supply chain partners.
Embracing Digital Partner Activations for Greater Impact
Everyone can be a storyteller in the digital age. Organizations can use digital channels to let people in and have a voice in their mission. Millennials and Gen Z especially want to help drive change and not merely make a donation. Expanding your campaign into the real world via video, photos and real-time engagement can multiply impact.